Amanda Kitchen Short is an environmental attorney who has significant experience advising clients across a wide spectrum of their legal needs. She advises clients on various environmental issues, including site remediation, regulatory compliance, enforcement, and permitting.
She represents sellers, purchasers, lenders, tenants, and landlords in business transactions, environmental due diligence, and escrow and cleanup agreements. Amanda navigates her clients through environmental risks by developing risk management strategies and negotiating and drafting environmental representations, warranties, and indemnities.
She has advised clients with regard to the investigation and cleanup of hundreds of contaminated properties, including remediations done under state voluntary cleanup and underground storage tank programs.
Amanda regularly advises the business community and environmental agencies in negotiating Brownfields Agreements for the redevelopment of contaminated sites, as well as assisting clients in complying with the requirements of the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and comparable state statutes, Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) issues, including Chemical Data Reporting Rule compliance, import/export requirements, pre-manufacture notifications, and negotiating settlements of TSCA enforcement actions.