Atlanta, Ga. – Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP is pleased to announce that Elizabeth Story has been elected president of the Georgia Association for Women Lawyers (GAWL) Foundation. In that position, she will play a leading role in encouraging philanthropy by women lawyers for the benefit of the greater Georgia community.
Elizabeth has served on the board of directors for the GAWL Foundation since 2016. She has also co-chaired its Grants Committee and its Art Auction Committee, which spearheads the foundation’s largest fundraiser each the year.
The GAWL Foundation helps link women lawyers with community service opportunities and provides grants to 501(c)(3) organizations serving women and children. It also awards scholarships to women at Georgia law schools who are interested in pursuing careers in public interest law.
At Parker Poe, Elizabeth focuses on eminent domain proceedings, private property disputes, and other types of litigation related to owning and developing commercial real estate. Her clients include shopping center developers and owners of commercial and mixed-use property.
About Parker Poe
Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP has more than 225 lawyers in eight offices in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Washington, D.C. The firm provides legal counsel to many of the largest companies and local governments in the Southeast.
Parker Poe is a member of two leading international legal networks: TerraLex and the Employment Law Alliance. TerraLex and the ELA have chosen Parker Poe to help guide clients through the challenges of global business.