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Turning Litigation Into a Profit Center: Key Takeaways From 2023 in Litigation Finance

Today's General Counsel

  • February 07, 2024

Michael Kelley wrote an article in Today's General Counsel about some chief legal officers "finding that litigation finance can help turn the legal function from a cost center to a profit center in the eyes of their C-suites and boards of directors."

"That is one of the biggest takeaways from 2023 in the rapidly growing market for third-party funding of lawsuits," Michael wrote. "When litigation finance first came on the scene, many in-house attorneys viewed it primarily as a threat that could make it easier for their companies to face lawsuits. But as the market has matured over the past decade or so, some chief legal officers are finding it can help their companies with the cost of both defending against claims and pursuing them."

Click here to read the full article: Turning Litigation Into a Profit Center: Key Takeaways From 2023 in Litigation Finance

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