Companies and individuals faced with a congressional investigation must take into consideration the unique political, legal, communications, and reputational risks in the process. Parker Poe’s bipartisan Congressional Investigations Team guides clients through it all, blending our collective political and legal skills.
Even though a congressional investigation may seem to involve familiar legal procedures, congressional investigations are not limited by typical due process protections and are deeply infused with politics. They are noteworthy and newsworthy, and they often have consequences beyond the investigation itself. Members of our team advise clients in all aspects of the congressional investigation process — from responding to informal and formal inquiries, to interacting with major investigative committees, answering subpoenas, preparing witnesses for and representing witnesses during testimony, as well as managing every legal, political, and public relations consideration.
Our lawyers and public policy professionals are particularly adept at balancing the legal, public relations, regulatory, and reputational risks associated with congressional investigations, particularly when congressional investigations are accompanied by criminal or civil litigation risks.
These investigations generally involve issues and agendas far outside the comfort zone and experience of most litigators. Effective handling requires special skills and direct experience with congressional procedures. These investigations often involve public scrutiny, which can damage a company’s reputation and competitive edge. Unlike controlled courtroom environments, congressional hearings are public and can attract significant media attention. Mishandling these investigations can have devastating consequences.
Our Services & Approach Our team has a blend of experience — as political staff, as government lawyers, and in private practice — responding to both federal and state regulatory investigations and hearings. We have firsthand bipartisan knowledge of the current political landscape and how that impacts congressional investigations. We anticipate and prepare our clients for the hard questions.
Having professionals with experience in highly regulated industries, such as financial services, health care, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology, has put the firm on the pulse of issues on the national political radar. Our Government Relations Team is engaged to advocate on behalf of many clients in these areas as well.
As clients face increasing challenges from government investigations, Parker Poe has increased our visibility with investigative committees, integrated ourselves into key public policy issues, and positioned ourselves to offer clients additional strategic options. With offices in three state capitals and the District of Columbia, we have developed relationships with many of the chief law enforcement officers in those jurisdictions as well as elected officials.
We work with each client to develop a legal, lobbying, and public relations strategy suited to your needs. Our aim is to eliminate surprises and help you navigate this space that may be unfamiliar. Our goal is to get the client through an investigation and back to business.
Our Team Ken Preede is the leader of Parker Poe Federal Strategies, a bipartisan lobbying practice. Ken has over 25 years of experience in Washington, DC, helping corporations and associations achieve their public policy priorities at the federal and state level. As a former government relations leader for a Fortune 500 company, a nationally recognized not-for-profit, and national associations, he has a deep understanding of his clients' perspectives and a significant track record of developing and advancing federal lobbying strategic plans.
Joel Schwartz is a former federal prosecutor and public defender who advises clients on white collar criminal defense, civil enforcement, and congressional and special investigations. With over 30 years of legal experience, clients turn to Joel for his ability to navigate negotiations and litigation in high-profile, highly complex cases. He advises clients across a range of areas, including health care, consumer safety, corruption, government contracting, export control, financial services, and corporate fraud.
Bruce Thompson is a former special counsel to the attorney general of North Carolina. Recognized as a top North Carolina political influencer and one of the state’s most influential lobbyists, Bruce leads Parker Poe’s Government & Public Policy Group. He concentrates his practice in governmental and regulatory activities, including legislative representation and counsel before the U.S. Congress. He has experience both testifying before Congress and representing clients who testify before congressional committees.